SBA Covering 6 Months of Loan Payments for Small Business Owners
You may be eligible to benefit from a special provision included in Section 1112 of the Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security Act.
All loans originated under the Small Business Administration’s 7(a) and 504 loan programs before September 27, 2020 will have the first six months of principal and interest paid by the US Treasury. These loans are fully amortizing 25 year mortgages and rates start at 4.25%.
We specialize in processing SBA 7a and 504 loans. If you would like to pre-qualify for a new SBA mortgage, we encourage you to visit us online at, fill out the information form and one of our loan representatives will contact you to process your request.
There is no cost or obligation to find out what specific terms we can provide you. In addition to refinancing your existing mortgage, you can borrower up to 90% of the value of your business property to consolidate other business debt or access working capital to help grow your business.
With interest rates at record lows and the economy now in recovery mode, this maybe the time to consider refinancing your existing mortgage.
STEP 1 - Please fill out form below.
Step 2 – Please upload documents.
You can upload this information to us securely by clicking the Upload Link to securely send to Anchor Bancbelow, enter your information and then drag and drop the documents into the upload box; We will confirm receipt when they are loaded into our server.